NEXEN Wall Primer is a solvent based primer specially formulaed to pride excellent a alkaliresistance. It is a primer witht good adhesion property. The primer forms an excel- lent barrier coat against alkalinity for both new and already painted walls and gives a good surface for the painting of subsequent top coat.
Bare masonry surfaces should be completely dry and free from dust, dirt and grease. Use a bleash solution to treat the surface affected by fungus. Apply one coat of NEXEN Wall Primer and allow through drying. Sand and dust off throughly. Smoothen the surface by applying 2-3 coats of NEXEN Putty. Sand adn dust off throughly.
Any loose and flaking paint film must be scraped off Defective areas should be sanded and smoothened. The entire surface must finally be dry and free from dirt, grease and other contaminants. The scraed aras should be primed with NEXEN Wall Primer prior to painting.
Masonry work is recomended to repair large creaks and holes. Allow to dry throughly. Prime with NEXEN Wall Prime. Fill with NEXEN ACRYLIC Wall Putty. Scuff t omake smooth and dust of throuoghly.
Drying Time: 2 Hours. Dependent on temperature and humidity - Touch Dry: Maximum 8 Hours - Hand Dry Hours: 16 Hours - Recorting Interval: 14-16 m2 per liter per coat - Coverage: May very depending on the substrate conditions
Clean up all equipment with white spirit or minera turpentine oil. immediately after use.